Saturday, November 04, 2006


Right from my childhood, whenever I heard the word 'philosophy' or 'philosopher', I heard them for all the wrong reasons.
When someone says "Oh my god! this world is getting on me.." people say that he is talking like a philisopher. But are philisophers really so boring and lame??
Recently I read the book Sophie's World and came to the conclusion, "NO".
Philosophers are the most rational people in the world.
They are the brave enough to break all the chains which the human beings formed around themselves and set out to find the truth.
Every philosopher has his philosophical aim, to find the answers to some of the questions facing the humanity.
Philosophers are the pillars who built the world in which we are living. One philosopher's aim was to find how human is built. From there came the biological sciences. Other philosopher is more interested in how human should live.. And it lead to social sciences. Philosopher don't have any scientific equipment to find truth about his questions.

His only weapon is his mind and he puts it to atmost use. His approach is through reason.
He finds the truth much before the scientists get the equipment to certify it.
Democritus said that every thing in this world is made of atoms, long long before the invention of microscopes to certify that.

This whole world is like a white rabbit pulled out of a big hat, by the world's most wonderful magician.
We are like small ants in the fur of the rabbit. While others go deep down the fur and hide themselves in the comfort and warmth present there, philosphers raise to the very tips of the fur to have a look at the magic being displayed.
They want to see the magic. They are excited like a child entering a magic show.
They want to see how the magician is and the reason behind the trick he performs.
They want to understand there role in this whole show.
Philosphers are not indifferent. They are indeed the ones who are not indifferent.